Tent of the Moon

The female circle Tenda da Lua ® (Tent of the Moon) is currently composed of a journey of 5 years. The 1st. year is made up of monthly immersion meetings.


Several themes related to the development of the female being are addressed through a methodology created by her mentor, Lúcia D. Torres, using a transpersonal approach and a holistic view. Throughout the meetings, we revisited the “four seasons of the woman” (spring, summer, autumn and winter), associating them with the different age groups, blood mysteries (menarche, gestation, menopause), moon cycles. We also consider the telluric, lunar, archetypal and sacred energies, experiencing rituals of initiation and passage of our own kind. At the same time, we reflect on beliefs, patterns, ideologies that shaped our view regarding different types of relations with different people (ourselves, our family, our affections) and trough different aspects (personal, sexual and professional).


Untimely, we are invited to make different choices when we identify that we have been guided by obsolete and meaningless content, when we realize we may have moved away from the soul, from the heart.


By joining this urban community that has been working together for more than two decades, which has been rebuilding and re-signifying women’s roles and the identity of women since 1994, a healing and nurturing bond is established with all these women who continue to meet along of all this time, where the lineage of the generations that came before supports and sustains the ones that are coming now, guiding but also learning with the new generations that arrive each year.


The entry in this Circle is conditioned by the previous circle Tenda da Terra ® (Tent of the Earth).


Currently we have Tenda da Lua at Porto Alegre and Florianópolis (24th generation). The 17th. generation occurs at Porto Alegre (RS), Criciúma and Florianópolis (SC) and the 22a. generation at Porto Alegre (RS), Florianópolis and Campo Erê (SC) and Curitiba (PR).


These journeys are conducted by Lúcia D. Torres.

Lúcia D. Torres


Mentor and facilitator of the Circulos Femininos Tendas e Clãs do Sul ® (Women’s Circles Tents and Clans of the South), a member of the Women´s Council Tends and of the Grandmothers Council. She has been conducting groups and seminars in different Brazilian cities for over twenty years. She has a Master in Portuguese Language Literature by the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS). She studies Astrology for over 30 years and works as a consultant, teacher, researcher and lecturer in national and international courses and congresses. Since 2004, she coordinates the Program in Advanced Studies in Astrology and since 2010 the Course “Thresholds and Crossings – journeys of mythology and symbolism at TAWA and Unipaz-Sul. She is a writer for the Constelar Magazine and a therapist with training in Family Constellations (IBH/Germany). Currently she is taking a training in Somatic Experience with Peter Levine. She have published the following books on feminine and astrology: Tendas e clãs do sul – jornadas femininas de amor e cura (2005),  O ser e o todo (2009), Além das constelações – herança, memória e transpessoalidade em Astrologia (2012), Astrologia no Paralelo 30 Sul (2015)​.

E-mail: luciadtorres@gmail.com
Phone: (xx 51) 99920.7766



Cleonice Cogo (10ª geração)

Ana Paula Bardini (19ª geração)

Mariana Fernandes (17a. geração Criciúma)