One of the biggest challenges today is to spread a culture of peace where men and women can see themselves as beings in a large planetary and cosmic family. The future of the next generations depends, increasingly, on the degree of consciousness (not) manifested today. To dissolve the illusion of separateness that underlies the modern modus vivendi, especially in West and modern society, we need to facilitate the emergence of more fraternal bonds between all beings. It is necessary to recognize the interdependence and interrelatedness which permeate all kingdoms and all life processes. This new consciousness will express itself in a worldview where deep ecology will be a daily practice, and when this happens, the Navajos Rainbow Prophecy will be fulfilled.
In such a critical moment of our journey where life is constantly threatened, inside and outside of us, the Movimento Guardiães do Amanhã emerges as a conscious answer to this planetary appeal that asks to be heard. It is project held since 1993 by Mauro Pozatti and Lúcia D.Torres. The inspiration came from their participation in works led by Craig Gibson and May East (Findhorn / Scotland), which covered Seminars at Unipaz and Unipaz-Sul, and many works with Circles of Men and Women, involving councils, rites of passage and initiation. Craig and May have an extensive international work, coordinating several groups of men and women, in addition to being registered facilitators of Unipaz.
Mauro created the Men Circles Guerreiros do Coração (Warrior of the Heart – name taken from an interview with Craig at the Magazine Thot/93) – whose purpose is to integrate men in the search of their manhood, using group work and culminating in a ritual workshop at the end of 8 meetings. There is also a Men’s Council formed by men who wanted to meet to discuss current issues involving the paradigm shift and men challenges.
Lúcia created the two Circles: Tenda da Terra and Tenda da Lua. Tenda da Terra is an introduction to a new femininity in which the different female roles are rethought and redirected, ending in a ritualistic week after 9 meetings. Tenda da Lua is made up of women who, for four years, met in new moons and it is the original circles that give birth to other women’s circles. The purpose and commitment of these circles involve not only personal work, but also planetary service trough the celebration of the cycles of the feminine and from nature, weaving a harmonious future with parents, men, brothers and sons.
Currently, the Movimento Guardiães do Amanhã is composed of different groups and activites:
* Tenda da Terra (Tent of the Earth) – theoretical and experiential women’s groups, with duration of 09 months;
* Tenda da Lua (Tent of the Moon) – a journey of approximately two years, where all participants revisit their feminine existential trajectory;
* Projeto Maternidade Consciente (Mindful Motherhood Project) – 09 Moons Clan – directed to pregnant women;
* Clã da Primavera Sagrada (Clan of the Sacred Spring) – aimed at girls from 09 to 12 years and 13 to 16 years;
* Clã da Tartaruga (Turtle Clan) – targeting women undergoing climacterium and menopause;
* Clã das Fadas Tecelãs (Clan Weavers Faeries) – an opportunity to redeem the feminine arts through various forms of weaving;
* Clã dos Ritmos da Terra (Clan Rhythms of the Earth) – an opportunity to redeem personal power, rediscovering the body’s energy through the songs and rhythms of Brazilian popular culture;
* Clã dos Caminhos Sagrados (Clan Sacred Pathways) – exclusively for egresses of Tenda da Terra, it is an opportunity to recognize the sacredness of all chosen paths, whatever they are.
* Guerreiros do Coração (Warrior of the Heart) – Groups of men, organized into cycles of consciousness development in the quest for wholeness of Being. Currently four development cycles are performed in a course of more than seven years of journey. The work of these groups has occurred in different states of Brazil: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo and the Federal District.
*Programa H+ (Program H+) – Groups of men over fifty years. Through lectures, retreats and groups of craft men seek new opportunities for them to experience in an integral way the second half of life.
* Jovens Guerreiros (Young Warriors Program) – aimed at young men, 7 to 14 years, using the methodology of the Warrior of the Heart, so that they can develop their manhood in a healthy way.
* Travessia Jaguar (in Porto Alegre / RS) – a program targeting young people aged 15 to 20 years (Mixed), lasting 10 months. It happens through work with the male identity, roles and archetypes relationships.